Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe): Enabling Enterprise-Level Product Development

Navdeep Garg
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Know the top ways how Scaled Agile Framework is improving product development.

Agile has emerged as one of the best approaches to enhance your product development proceedings. A small-scale enterprise can bode with an agile manifesto but as the complications rise, you need a more rounded framework.

This is where SAFe chimes in with its mindful integration of System Thinking, Lean, and Agile for improving collaboration, quality, and marketing. SAFe helps you advance from the software development stage to a complete digital transformation.

However, if you are still unaware about the topic, then here you will know everything about it.

What is SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework)?

what-is-safe-imgLaunched back in 2011, SAFe has emerged as one of the best software development frameworks of the century. The majority of the US-based firms are using SAFe for their proceedings, and the numbers just keep on rising.

So, what is SAFe or to be more precise how can you define SAFe? SAFe is the framework that integrates system thinking, lean mindset, and agile practices to aid in building a complex and large scale software while focusing on the online UX.

SAFe helps you create huge and sophisticated systems comprehensively and quickly.

Why Use SAFe?

So why should your business use SAFe? With the marketing scenario constantly evolving, businesses are getting less time to market their product. This raises the necessity to adapt to the change.

Agile is one of the best software development approaches with its principles and values. It also offers speed and flexibility prioritizing product over project. The framework is ideal for a small team.

While this is all good, SAFe is ideal for large projects aiming to build sophisticated software. It allows enterprises to acknowledge innovation by facilitating organized and swift movements.

Components of SAFe

You can call SAFe the modified version of lean, system thinking, and Agile. SAFe takes their pros and builds the ultimate product development framework. Here are its components:

Agile Development

Agile has been helping developers forever and it was launched as an idea to undo every damage done by waterfall. Now SAFe takes its collaborative and cultural niche as an inspiration.

System Thinking

The approach deems every system as an irreplaceable counterpart and focuses on two major benefits. One is being customer-centric and the other is showcasing the parent organization.

SAFe picks the ideology that the resources, business units, and teams function in unison toward every product development initiative.

Lean Products Development

The approach integrates best of lean thinking and software development processes. It helps you comprehend how the product development works. It facilitates seamless maintenance and MVP production as well.

SAFe takes the lean ideology to minimize wastage and focus on quality and quick product delivery.

Levels of SAFe

Levels-of-SAFeIf you are looking for the answer of what are the SAFe levels, then look no further. Here are the four levels of SAFe:

Essential SAFe

You can call this the base-level configuration phase that offers limited elements with the best benefits. It works as the foundation for every other configuration.

Large-Solution SAFe

The approach is ideal for large and sophisticated apps as it is also capable of running on portfolio level.

Portfolio SAFe

The configuration works with the existing portfolio initiatives with a well-rounded strategy for enterprise. With this, you can help define investment and strategy for the portfolio value stream.

It also provides Agile operations and lean compliance for every involved team.

Full SAFe

The configuration can be considered an extension including the competency to create huge, integrated, and complex solutions. It is unsuited for teams with 100+ people looking to build and sustain several procedures.

Four Core Values of SAFe

Four-Core-Values-of-SAFeHere are the best values of SAFe:


The value facilitates utmost collaboration between the teams and the management so every effort drives towards impeccable customer satisfaction. It helps in handling the process cadence whilst making sure everyone is up-to-date with the proceedings.

In-Built Qualities

The practice for ensuing that every microservice or increment are up to the quality standards is in-built in SAFe. Simply put, SAFe ensures that every development stage is qualified to the desired standards.


A misinterpretation or miscommunication can ruin the entire project, and transparency is needed for avoiding any failure. When there is no misunderstanding, the team builds synergy and the reliance on each other increases.

Execution of Program

For ensuing continuous and timely delivery, SAFe uses its essential SAFe form. After comprising sprints, artifacts, and workable roles in the ART, the guidelines for streamlining the program’s execution are presented.

Principles of SAFe

Economic View

The organization should comprehend how their decisions would put an impact on the society. Therefore, you should consider economics in every decision you make.

Applying System Thinking

The system thinking principle ensures that every system and environment aspect applies to the product development stage. The three integral facets of system thinking includes:

  • The solution is a full system
  • The parent enterprise is a system
  • The system thinking is optimizing the full streams value

Speculate Changes and Save Options

During the development process, you are bound to see technical, market, and principle changes. If you ignore them, then there are bound to be consequences.

Building incrementally with integrated and Quick Learning Cycles

You should build solutions after agile scrums series akin to the Agile Development. Your sprints should end in a functional system section. When every microservice is incorporated, a fully-fledged system is created.

Emphasize Values

In this digital era, a product is only considered successful when it proposes values and flexibility to adapt. For achieving such agility, you need to base your enterprise values around values. So whenever there is a modification in the market, you can easily adapt to it.

Best Advantages of SAFe

Improved Quality

SAFe offers flexibility for innovating and ensuring customer satisfaction above everything. It allows you to:

  • Decrease the bugs
  • Reduce warranty expenses
  • Improve user and client satisfaction

Enhanced Productivity

As SAFe facilitates engagement and collaboration your organization is met with an unmatched synergy. This helps you:

  • Improve product quality
  • Enhance cross-function culture
  • Decrease defects and iterations

Streamlined Execution of Product

With SAFe’s principles and values, cadence is brought in the development fray. With this, you get an enterprise capable of timeliness and quality.

It offers qualities like:

  • Existing project timeline
  • Timely product delivery  
  • Positive business reputation

Processes Transparency

With SAFe, you get transparency to establish trust amidst the team. When you have trust, productivity automatically increases.

It also:

  • Maintains realistic expectations
  • Improves trust
  • Calculates upcoming risks

Wrapping Up

Product development is a highly changing market, and the inclusion of SAFe has truly stabilized it. The blog provides a keen insight on what SAFe is and how it can be useful for you. Simply go through the blog and implement the efficiency of SAFe in your organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our testing processes place a high priority on data security. To ensure the security of sensitive information, we adhere to a number of protocols, including the anonymization, encryption, and control of access to data. During testing, we use secure environments and data that mimic real-world scenarios without exposing sensitive information. We adhere to best practices for data protection and comply with industry standards and regulations including GDPR and HIPAA. As part of our security testing process, we employ a variety of tools and methodologies to identify and rectify security vulnerabilities.

To ensure the quality and reliability of your software solutions, we employ a comprehensive range of testing methodologies and cutting-edge tools. Our testing approach includes:

  • Manual Testing: We use structured test cases to identify usability, functionality, and design issues.
  • Automated Testing: Automated testing streamlines processes, improves efficiency, and ensures consistency.
  • Unit Testing: JUnit, NUnit, and PyUnit are unit testing frameworks we use to validate the functionality of code units.
  • Integration Testing: We verify the seamless interaction of various system components using tools such as Selenium, Appium, and Postman.
  • Performance Testing: To assess system responsiveness and scalability, we employ tools like JMeter, LoadRunner, and Gatling.
  • Security Testing: Our security testing includes vulnerability assessments and penetration testing using tools like OWASP ZAP and Nessus.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): We collaborate closely with your team to ensure that the software aligns with your end-users’ expectations.

You can count on us to improve the visibility of your website on search engines by using our SEO services. On-page and technical SEO best practices are implemented by our team, content is optimized, and search engine optimization strategies are provided to improve the search engine rankings of your website.

We adhere rigorously to project timelines and deadlines at our software development company. To ensure on-time delivery, we use meticulous project management, agile methodologies, and clear communication. Depending on the scope, complexity, and your specific requirements, we conduct a comprehensive analysis and planning phase. Our project managers then track progress continuously using agile frameworks. We maintain regular status updates and transparent communication channels. Whenever changes need to be made, we let you know promptly while keeping you updated.

We specialize in a wide range of technologies and programming languages, including but not limited to Blockchain, .Net, JavaScript, C#, Ruby, PHP, Wordpress. Our expertise covers web development frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, as well as mobile app development for React Native, Flutter, iOS and Android. We also have experience with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, and are proficient in database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and more. Additionally, we are well-versed in DevOps tools and practices to ensure seamless deployment and ongoing maintenance of the software we develop.

Our company offers a wide range of development services, including:

  • Web Development: We specialize in creating custom websites, web applications, e-commerce platforms, and content management systems.
  • Mobile App Development: We develop mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms, from concept to deployment.
  • Software Development: Our software development services cover desktop applications, business software, and cloud-based solutions.
  • Blockchain Development: We have expertise in blockchain technology, including smart contract development and decentralized application (DApp) creation.
  • IoT Development: Our Internet of Things (IoT) development services encompass connecting physical devices to the digital world.

Navdeep Garg
Article written by

Navdeep Garg

I'm founder and CEO of Revinfotech Inc. I traits in leadership and brilliant practitioner in the Financial Services and FinTech. I helped ban in connecting to the FinTech ecosystem through payment acceptance in blockchain as a service and even help i... read more

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