Welcome to the future, where two groundbreaking technologies unite to form a dynamic duo like no other – Blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT). In...
Home » Author » Navdeep Garg
Navdeep Garg
I'm founder and CEO of Revinfotech Inc. I traits in leadership and brilliant practitioner in the Financial Services and FinTech. I helped ban in connecting to the FinTech ecosystem through payment acceptance in blockchain as a service and even help in other sector medical, legal, marketing and Business management. I have additional perspectives, leading product development and strategy efforts from within business and technology solutions. I have hands on experience in bootstrapping and successfully reaching on heights of business starting as startup. During last 15 years, I had witnessed and mastered all phases of business venture life cycle including conceptualization, leadership, resource management, business development and expansion. With an experience which includes managing, producing and overseeing digital applications.
Author's Posts
Unveiling the Growing Need for Blockchain Auditing Services: Why Businesses Can’t Ignore It
In a world where data breaches and fraud scandals seem to dominate the headlines, it has become increasingly crucial for businesses to prioritize thei...
Revolutionizing Industries with Hybrid Blockchain Solutions
Are you ready for a world where supply chains are transparent, transactions are secure, and industries embrace innovation like never before? Welcome t...
Artificial Intelligence and DevOps: How to Lead Your Transformation
Are you having trouble implementing DevOps methodologies that are slow and error-prone? AI needs to be incorporated into the mix. Software development...
The future of mobile app development with blockchain technology
Are you an avid tech enthusiast who is always looking for the latest innovations? We have something exciting in store for you, so buckle up your seatb...
Creating & Launching a Full-Stack NFT Marketplace dApp: What do you need to know?
Marketplace DApps for NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), also known as decentralized applications, facilitate NFT buying, selling, and trading. Art, collecti...