Actionable Feedback Policy

Fostering Progress with Your Input: Embracing the Strength of our Actionable Feedback Policy

As a company, we believe that our users play a crucial role in the process of helping us improve and innovate as much as we can. You are valuable to us, and we appreciate your feedback on how to enhance the user experience on our software as a result of your knowledge and insight. In order to ensure that our feedback process is both effective and constructive, we have outlined below our actionable feedback policy in order to ensure this.

Feedback Submission Process

We welcome feedback on a wide range of topics, so if you would like to get in touch with us, we encourage you to use the following channels:

Actionable Feedback Policy

User Feedback Form

In order to provide us with your feedback, suggestions, and concerns directly, you can use our user feedback form available on our website to do so.

Community Forums Icon

Community Forums

Get in touch with our community forums and share your ideas with other users and our team of experts to help make our service better.


We would appreciate if you could send us a detailed description of your feedback by sending email to [email protected].

Feedback Process

We welcome feedback on a wide range of topics, so if you would like to get in touch with us, we encourage you to use the following channels:

Submission Icon


The designated channels mentioned above are the channels through which you can submit any feedback you may have.
You should clearly state the nature of the feedback you want to provide (positive, constructive, or general).

Review Icon


The relevant department or supervisor will review feedback on a regular basis.
An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to the submitter in the email in 2 working days.

Collaboration Icon


Patterns and common themes will be identified in the feedback.
There will be an identification of actionable items for implementation.

Action Icon


Adapting to feedback and implementing necessary changes.
It is important to communicate changes and improvements to the team or individuals involved.

Follow-up Icon


To ensure that implemented changes are effective, periodic follow-ups should be conducted.
Keeping submitters informed of actions taken closes the feedback loop.


Please be assured that all feedback submissions will be treated in the strictest of confidence. In order to achieve this, anonymous feedback will be accepted and respected, creating an environment in which individuals feel comfortable expressing their opinions without fear of repercussions.


As a result of our actionable feedback policies, we are committed to excellence at Revinfotech. The importance of feedback lies not just in its value, but also in its catalyst role. Our team can learn, adapt, and innovate in an environment that fosters open communication. Our software solutions are designed to amplify customer satisfaction through structured feedback loops, ensuring they not only meet but exceed client expectations. We stay agile and customer-centric with our commitment to responsiveness, accountability, and refinement. Our collective journey toward excellence depends on your insights. Thank you for being an integral part of our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions and unparalleled client satisfaction.