Pfeiffer Law

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    Pfeiffer Law

    Our core business is Entertainment. The center of that core is Social Media. We are nationally recognized as thought leaders in the social media space. It began as a hobby. Several years ago, you started making “beauty” videos with a web cam. It was fun. You loved giving makeup tips then posting your videos on YouTube. You didn’t tell your parents, but you suspected that they knew. You worked hard to find your voice. Every new follower felt like a new friend. You know how to shoot and edit successful videos, but you aren’t as confident about the business and legal side of things. You’re starting to have free floating anxiety about the contracts you are asked to sign. You don’t understand the agreements and are afraid that you might be agreeing to something that you don’t want to do, or worse, can’t do. You trust your manager, but she isn’t a lawyer and isn’t equipped to handle the contracts that are being thrown at you. You know you need a lawyer, but lawyers are scary. Not vampire scary but they’re scary because the law is scary. Even so, you know that you can’t wait any longer. You must take back control by hiring a lawyer to protect you.