
Find out more about Murdoch


    We aim to maximize our clients’ returns by implementing a clearly thought out and carefully balanced portfolio that fits perfectly with personal needs as well as an appetite for risk. We ensure that investments are with funds that have the best managers, monitor every investment meticulously and keep our clients well informed. We do more research than most before we select and recommend investment funds, and with all our analysts in-house, our choices are always completely impartial and free of outside influences. Normally a feature of large firms such as stockbrokers, we have an investment committee that assesses funds and approves selection. Experience has taught us that the success of an investment fund is almost entirely determined by individual fund managers, as it’s the quality of their management that dictates returns. The committee’s decisions are therefore based on both scrupulous analysis and our principles for selecting fund managers: good past performance, consistently sound and rational processes, and high qualifications. We provide both astute investment management and comprehensive financial advice and planning, ensuring that nothing is left out of the equation or to chance. The rare breadth and depth of our services mean that Revinfotech address all the gaps left by single service providers, giving you the best possible prospects for an improved financial position and better investment returns.